Pretty Things

Pretty Things

Young mother holding her child in a baby wearing carrier

Baby Wearing: Top Benefits & Tips for Tying Your Baby Wrap

For centuries, moms have sought out baby wearing as one of the most convenient ways to keep their babies warm, safe, and closeby. Whether you're on the go running errands and don't want to bring the stroller along for the trip, or you're taking care of household chores and your baby wants attention, baby wearing offers the perfect opportunity to take care of your baby and keep your hands free.There are a few different types of baby carriers to...

Baby Laying Down With Breast Milk Ring Around Toes - KeepsakeMom

The Story Behind How to Make Breastmilk Jewelry

A little weird? Maybe.

Incredibly meaningful and beautiful? Definitely.

Read on to discover the story behind breastmilk jewelry—how it started, who buys it, and why. Because we at KeepsakeMom are so passionate about what we do, we love sharing how breastmilk stones are made, how every mother’s milk is different, and how these differences give rise to the unique, one-of-a-kind pieces that we craft expertly by hand.