

Tired mother drinking coffee while she holds her baby

Can You Drink Coffee While Breastfeeding? Here’s What to Know

Motherhood can be one of the most rewarding challenges of life, but with it comes natural exhaustion. New moms are expected to tend to their baby’s needs at any moment of the day, which can make it difficult to get proper rest and a good night’s sleep. Because of this, most mothers turn to coffee or other caffeinated beverages to keep energy levels up and maintain momentum to get through each day. While caffeine can certainly be a lifesaver for...

Mother breastfeeding her baby in bed

How Long to Breastfeed: Average Age to Stop Breastfeeding

Let’s be clear, breastfeeding is a highly personal journey. The experience of one mother can vary drastically from the next, and even different babies can have unique feeding habits or circumstances that can impact how long they breastfeed. This being said, it’s important to know that there’s no “normal” age to stop breastfeeding. The choice is ultimately up to you and your baby! Let’s explore more about the average age to stop breastfeeding and tips for ensuring your baby gets all...

Tired Mom and Baby Rocking to Sleep in Rocking Chair - KeepsakeMom

Does Breastfeeding Make You Tired? Keeping Energy Levels Up with a Newborn

Having a new baby is an exciting time! But as joyful as it is, taking care of a newborn can also turn your world upside down. Juggling dirty diapers, sleep schedules and postpartum hormones in the months after delivery can be downright exhausting. It’s no wonder that many new moms feel tired most of the time, including when they’re breastfeeding. All of this is to say, if you’ve ever wondered if breastfeeding makes you tired, you’re not alone. Let’s take a...

Father holding newborn baby

Advice for First Time Fathers: The Important Role Your Play in Your Baby’s Life

Welcoming a new life into the world is always a little bit nerve-wracking, and that is especially true for first-time dads! If you’re nervous about being a first-time dad, we’re here to help. Read on to learn more about the importance of bonding with your newborn and tips for how first-time dads can help with newborns and moms. The Importance of Bonding With Baby It can be difficult for first-time dads to find their footing. Juggling work, helping mom, and bonding with...


Best Foods for Breastfeeding: Find out What to Eat While Breastfeeding

As a new mom, it’s extremely important to nourish your body, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Not only do you need the extra calories and energy to produce milk, but what you eat can also affect your milk supply and how your little one feels. After all, what you eat is part of what they eat as well! Let’s explore which foods are good for breastfeeding mothers along with certain ingredients you may want to avoid. Do Certain Foods Increase Breast Milk...

Bags of frozen breast milk in a container

Keeping Breast Milk Fresh: Tips for Freezing, Thawing, and Storing

Breast milk is truly amazing. Not only does it provide your baby with the nutrients and antibodies their little body needs, but it also has antibodies that can help the milk stay fresh and maintain many of its nutritional qualities when stored properly. This is great news for parents who want to always have a bottle on hand to feed baby. Now, let’s take a closer look at how to store breast milk properly so you can ensure your breast...

Young mother holding her child in a baby wearing carrier

Baby Wearing: Top Benefits & Tips for Tying Your Baby Wrap

For centuries, moms have sought out baby wearing as one of the most convenient ways to keep their babies warm, safe, and closeby. Whether you're on the go running errands and don't want to bring the stroller along for the trip, or you're taking care of household chores and your baby wants attention, baby wearing offers the perfect opportunity to take care of your baby and keep your hands free. There are a few different types of baby carriers to...

Insulated bag with breastmilk

How to Travel with Breast Milk: Tips for Traveling While Breastfeeding

The idea of traveling while breastfeeding can be a little overwhelming. Beyond making time to stop and pump, you also have to think about storage; without a plan in place, you may find it more difficult to safely and securely transport your milk to nourish your little one during or after your travels.  Whether you’re traveling by plane, car, or any other mode of transportation, there are specific details you need to keep in mind while transporting milk.  How Long Does...

Loving mother holding her son

Breast Milk Color: What Shade Should It Be?

While breastfeeding can be a wonderfully nurturing and rewarding experience, sometimes it can also feel a bit stressful. With so many different factors for mothers to consider when breastfeeding, it might become difficult to keep track. Your own eating and drinking habits can have a major impact on your breast milk color, for example, as well as on your child’s reaction to your milk. What’s more, your dietary habits are not the only things that can affect the color of...

Mother holding two full bottles of expressed milk

6 Tips for Creating a Breast Milk Pumping Schedule

Breastfeeding is recognized as one of the most beneficial options for feeding your baby. But even though nursing is a natural instinct, there’s still a learning curve when it comes to breastfeeding. It’s not always easy to tell when your baby is hungry, for instance, or to know how to gauge your milk supply. It might also take some time to learn which position your baby most prefers for feeding time. As you and your baby get used to breastfeeding,...