
10 Tips for Breastfeeding Newborns You May Not Be Aware Of

Mother cradling head of newborn baby breastfeeding

10 Tips for Breastfeeding Newborns You May Not Be Aware Of

TL;DR: Breastfeeding is a rewarding yet challenging journey. This concise guide offers essential tips for new moms: 

  • Body’s Timing: Trust early milk production. 
  • Skin-to-Skin: Enhances bonding and breastfeeding success. 
  • Proper Latching: Crucial for comfort and effectiveness. 
  • Feed on Demand: Respond to baby’s hunger cues. 
  • Session Duration: Expect frequent, varied-length feedings. 
  • Comfortable Positioning: Find positions that work for you. 
  • Pumping Strategy: Pump to increase milk supply as needed. 
  • Engorgement Management: Soften breasts pre-feeding for ease. 
  • Pacifier Use: Introduce after establishing breastfeeding. 
  • Nutrition and Hydration: Vital for milk production. 
  • Self-care: Prioritize your well-being for both you and baby. 

Embrace these insights to navigate breastfeeding with confidence. 

Breastfeeding, an act of love and nourishment, is one of the first connections you share with your newborn. It’s a natural process, but like all things in life, it comes with its own set of challenges and learning curves.  

Here at KeepsakeMom, we understand that while the experience of breastfeeding is as old as time, every mother’s journey is uniquely her own, filled with moments of joy, uncertainty, and triumph. That is why we’ve gathered some insightful tips for breastfeeding newborns that go beyond the usual advice. 

Join us as we explore the world of breastfeeding and share tips and tricks that aim to make this natural act a little easier and a lot more rewarding. 

Tips for Newborn Breastfeeding 

The newborn stage, typically considered the first month after birth, is often the most challenging time for breastfeeding. This fleeting phase is packed with frequent feedings, around every 1-3 hours, as your baby establishes a nursing routine, and your milk supply comes in strong. Frequent night feedings and cluster feedings are also common during the first few months. 

While it can feel demanding during the newborn stage, this frequent nursing is crucial for stimulating your milk production and meeting your baby’s nutritional needs. Remember, this initial hurdle is temporary, and with time and patience, breastfeeding can become smoother as your baby grows and your body adjusts. 

These breastfeeding newborn tips and answers to frequently asked questions can help you navigate these early days with confidence.  

1. Trust Your Body’s Timing 

Many new moms worry about milk production in the first few days postpartum. It’s important to know that colostrum, the first form of milk produced, is highly nutritious and enough for your newborn in the initial days until your milk “comes in.” 

Keep in mind that your body is preparing to nurture a baby long before they make their debut in the world. You likely already have the “right” amount of milk and nutrients your newborn needs. Johns Hopkins Medicine emphasizes that an increase in a mother’s milk supply usually comes in around day 3 or 5 postpartum. 

2. Skin-to-Skin Contact 

Maximizing skin-to-skin contact right after birth and during the first weeks can significantly improve breastfeeding success. It helps stimulate milk production and encourages the newborn to latch properly. 

This type of contact, also known as kangaroo care, is embraced around the globe as it can also improve survival and health outcomes for preterm and low birth weight babies. 

3. Master the Art of Latching 

A proper latch is more about the baby taking in a good portion of the areola, not just the nipple. These tips for latching can help make sure both you and baby are comfortable during a breastfeeding session. 

Remember that if latching is painful or difficult, don’t hesitate to seek help from a lactation consultant early on. 

4. Feed on Demand 

Lots of new moms worry if they can overfeed a newborn breastfeeding. The good news is that overfeeding a newborn who is exclusively breastfed is quite rare. That’s because breastfeeding allows the baby to control their milk intake more naturally than bottle-feeding. 

Look for hunger cues like lip-smacking and sucking motions rather than waiting for your baby to cry to know if they need to be fed. During these first few weeks, breastfeeding should be “on demand” to meet your baby’s needs. As your little one grows, you can begin to establish a feeding schedule. 

How Long Should a Breastfeeding Session Last for a Newborn? 

Newborns need to be fed frequently, typically every 2-3 hours, including overnight. In other words, newborn babies are often breastfed 8-12 times per day during the first month. According to KidsHealth, newborns may nurse for up to 20 minutes or longer on one or both breasts. 

5. The Power of Positioning 

Newborn breastfeeding with mom at the hospital

Nursing your baby is a bonding experience. It’s important to ensure you and your baby are comfortable during this time to make it a positive and productive session.  

These breastfeeding positions are among some of the best!  

6. Pumping Strategy 

Many new mothers also wonder when to pump while breastfeeding a newborn. Pumping can be a great way to help stimulate your breasts to make more milk in these early days.  

If you need to pump, doing so in the morning can be beneficial as milk production tends to be higher. If you want to try to increase your milk supply, Children’s Health recommends pumping both breasts for 15 minutes every two hours for 48-72 hours. Then, return to your normal pumping routine.  

Pumping for longer than 30 minutes may not be beneficial, so keep these sessions shorter rather than longer. 

7. Handling Engorgement 

Engorged breasts can be uncomfortable but are common among new moms. If your breasts become engorged, expressing a little milk before feeding can soften the breast and make it easier for your baby to latch. Cold compresses after feeding can also provide relief. 

8. Use of Pacifiers 

Can you give your newborn a pacifier while breastfeeding? While pacifiers can be a source of comfort for little ones, introducing one should ideally wait until breastfeeding is well-established. Introducing pacifiers too early may disrupt breastfeeding or cause nipple confusion. 

Most experts agree that it’s best to give a newborn a pacifier when they are around 3-4 weeks old, and you have a nursing routine. 

9. Hydration and Nutrition 

Your body needs extra hydration and nutrition to produce milk. Focus on a balanced diet rich in whole foods, and drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. By keeping yourself nourished, you’re also able to provide your breastfed baby with all the nutrients and love they need to thrive. 

10. Self-care and Support 

Last, but certainly not least, remember to prioritize self-care as a new mom! Breastfeeding can be physically and emotionally taxing, but your well-being is also tied to that of your little one. Seek support from family, friends, or breastfeeding groups.  

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to breastfeeding. What works wonders for one mother-baby duo might not for another, and that’s perfectly okay. 

While these breastfeeding newborn tips are a good place to start, always trust in your body, your baby, and the bond that naturally strengthens with every feed. 

Breastmilk rings, necklaces, earrings, and more are a perfect way to celebrate your unique breastfeeding journey. Customize a piece of breastmilk jewelry for yourself or a loved one at KeepsakeMom. 

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